Deposits and Returns...

Have you ever heard the analogy that describes your soul as a gas tank, and when you run around doing for others and going about the daily business of life, you have to stop once in a while and fill up your tank again? You fill up your tank with good things for yourself, like a day off, a hot bath, doing something you love, encouragement from a friend or partner, spending time with people you love, etc. Another way of describing it could be that with all of the expenditures throughout your day, you have to be sure to continue making deposits into your "bank account" to keep a positive balance at all times.

I posted a deeply personal question, about gifting my art, on my class forum page. After only a few minutes there were already many responses and they continued to pour in. I was overwhelmed with this outpouring of support, encouragement and advice I received from a community of women, none of whom I have actually met. How powerful is it that a group of people with a common goal can meet up online, and automatically be so incredibly encouraging and insightful with each other, unafraid to share struggles and soul questions, and to ask for help? This makes such a huge "deposit" into my soul and I want to thank those ladies of the class that respond to anything that is posted with all the love and encouragement that they can give.

I wanted to mention that a Lovely lady named Karrlin Bain took the time out of her evening to post a link to my blog along with her encouragement. Please check her sweet blog out as she has some very heartfelt poems that will help fill your "bank account" as well.

Much love to you all!

Oh! And ps...
We FINALLY have cool fall temps down here in Houston! Its so beautiful and just makes me want to be outside all day long. Many people I hear from don't like the cold weather but my heart literally SINGS each time a feel a cool breeze across my face or hear the rain pitter-pattering on the roof. Anyone else like that?


  1. Hi Kathrine, it is special, isn't it? How lovely to visit your blog and see you have some of my favourites in your sidebar!
    Whilst things are cooling down in your part of the world, they are warming up here in Australia. I think we're in for a hot summer : )
    I'm following you now on Twitter and Pinterest (my addiction ha ha)

  2. Very nice! So glad to be participating in Flying Lessons with such wonderfully talented women! ~ Seasons of Grace & Wisdom

  3. Wow you are RIGHT ON with this post! Do you know that I am just seeing this for the VERY first time and my tank (soul~bank account) is on E right now... and this gave me such an amazing boost. This kind of thing proves that God has a plan... and that his plan was for me to find this December 9 when I am stalled flat out on the roadside is just SO LOVELY!!! Thank you Kathrine for this AMAZING post... I "grabbed a button" and it is on my blog now... the FIRST ONE that I have added to my blog from someone else's blog! Thank you for the deposit/fill!!!
    Hugs ~n~ Blessings Friend!!!! ~Karrlin


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